Clifton+Leopold was born from a love of classic men’s clothing accessories and the desire to make them more reflective of the world today. A world that’s more diverse, fluid, and empowered. A world where only you can define you, and job one is to build a community you love.
We hope this passion for community is evident in everything we do, because it’s the lens through which we make all of our decisions.
That’s why, in a time when it’s easier and less expensive to manufacture products offshore, we choose to produce 100% of our apparel and candles in the United States.
Why? It’s simple. It matters.
A few decades ago, we were flooded with stories of textile manufacturers going out of business. Today, talented American artisans are working hard to change that story. At Clifton+Leopold, we are honored to play a small part in the rewrite.
Producing our products in the community where we live gives us some obvious advantages when it comes to quality, but it’s much bigger than that. Manufacturing in our community means more jobs, more jobs means more opportunities, and more opportunities are vital to building a better life.
Equally important to us, this concept of community extends to everyone wearing Clifton+Leopold. We decided early on that the ‘dapper human’ was our target audience. And while it sounded funny at first, the more we repeated it--and the more we shared our story--the more exciting it became. Turns out, it isn’t only exciting to us, but when we are talking to the right people, it excites them as well.
So while we don’t always choose the obvious path or the easiest one, that’s ok. In fact, it’s part of our strategy. A strategy rooted in our commitment to dapper humans everywhere and those who love them.
For us that commitment means sourcing exquisite fabrics and handcrafting them into products that men and women are excited to wear. It means continually providing our customers with options they can incorporate into their lifestyle, not the other way around. It means marketing that is as diverse and inclusive as the world we live in. Complete with storytelling that reflects the beauty of a wide array of people coming together in a common theme: the desire to live their best life.