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#HowTheyDoDapper: Meet the Models Edition - Libby!

by Priya Pappu |

Libby wears the Until kerchief.

Libby wears the Altitude Twilly.

Libby wears the Dimension bow.

Libby wears the Voce bow.

Libby wears the Stare twilly.

Libby wears the Galápagos twilly.

When our paths crossed with Libby more than once over a short period of time, we knew enough to know it wasn't coincidence. We had to get to know this beautiful human better! We were thrilled when Libby, an accomplished model, agreed to be a part of the Re-Define collection shoot. But our real joy has come from meeting the dimensional person beneath the surface.

One look at the photos from this shoot reveals how gorgeous Libby is, but she's truly the definition of "more than just a pretty face." Libby works in tax strategy during the day, while also making time to pursue creative endeavors, and all the while maintaining the personal credo of living unapologetically with an abundance mindset. She also rocks a Twilly with a flair we've never seen before!

Read on to meet our truly, inside-and-out, beautiful friend Libby. We promise you'll be better for it! 


Name, pronouns: Elizabeth Alden 'Libby' Green, she/her

Find me looking dapper in:  Nashville, TN
Tell us a little bit about the story that you're writing in your C+L?  The purpose of this collection for C+L has been to quite literally redefine, grow, and become with belief in yourself. I plan on doing just that. I'm writing my story for me and accomplishing my dreams with no regard for doubt. My mindset recently has been very much an action mindset. If I ever have the thought, "Oh I think I could do that," or "Oh, that looks like it could be really fun. I wonder how they got into that," I go and figure it out. I think I'm worth investing in, and I think everyone else should think that of themselves too. I want beauty in my life, and I want others to have it in theirs. That's vague, but I think everyone has their own perception of beauty. I just want to always share that it's worth going out and finding for yourself. I hope that's the story I get to tell for the rest of my life. Don't be afraid of going and finding your beauty and your light! You're worth it.
What piece from the Re-Define collection is at the top of your list?   Definitely any and all of the Twillys. I got to shoot in the Japanese silk elephant Twilly  [Galápagos] and fell in love. The pattern is fun, and the feel of the fabric is heavenly! There's also a great history story behind the piece.
What is your favorite part of the Spring season?  I love all things colorful, so the blooms and peaks of green for what's to come in the summer time make me so happy. I do also feel that I'm more creatively inspired with the 'new beginning' feel of Spring. Being able to get outside again (even if it includes allergy medication) and get some sun definitely gets me excited!
Any fun memories from the shoot day that you can share?  I really connected with everyone on set and had some really meaningful conversations. It was really nice working with people that were just as excited as I was to be there, getting to work towards the same goal of helping Christopher bring his incredible collection to the public in a really artful and inspirational way. At the end of the day, we were all sitting together, toasting to the day and to each other with champagne. Everyone was telling stories about their life, and kind of how they got to where they were now. Each story was so much different than the next yet showed such representation for resilience, belief, and a zest for life. Ultimately, hearing Christopher's inspiration for the collection and these stories from everyone were the most fun part of the shoot. Simply put, the purpose of Re-Define is that if you have a dream, you should unapologetically pursue it, and have faith in yourself. I think this alone is something easy to tell people, but these stories were a living representation of the collection. The day as a whole was a really lovely reminder to myself that no matter where I am in life, I've already accomplished so much. Who's to say I can't go out and accomplish anything else I want to. Be careful, me and my elephant Twilly are out here working to accomplish some big dreams :) 
What are your tips for looking fabulous in photos (clearly, you have it down!)   Ha! Have a good photographer... kidding... Sort of! I would say don't overthink it, especially on hand placement. The first shoot I ever did, I was hopeless on where to put my hands. It does help to know your angles. I still will pose in mirrors for fun, if I have new props or new poses I want to try. It definitely works for getting a feel for yourself and your personal space. Most of all though, HAVE FUN! Don't take it too seriously. Put on music. Dance through half your shots. Those photos will probably turn out the coolest. Modeling is just another art form, so treat it as such. Have creative expression, and get excited for what you're getting to make, even if you plan on being the only one to see the final product. 
When you're not modeling, what are you up to?  My day job is in Private Equity and Tax Strategy, so my day to day looks like a lot of tax incentive research, doing taxes, and working on different funds within my company. I do find it fun, but on my weekends I love getting outside for a hike or a park workout if the weather is nice. I recently have started taking acting classes at The 4th Wall Acting Studio, which I absolutely love. I love getting involved in any creative endeavor my friends need help with at the moment, whether it's photography, painting, or podcasting.
How are you Re-defining yourself in 2022?  2022 has been a really exciting year for me so far, and I'm excited to see what else comes my way. I feel that I have had a lot of success in Re-Defining my mindset to one with more of an abundance outlook. I meditate for at least 15 minutes a day, and I try to move my body everyday, as well. I just feel this incredible motivation to live life pursuing joy and light unapologetically. (Can you tell unapologetic was my word for the year?) It sounds a bit cliché, but I truly believe my life has been changing for the better with gratitude and myself as my top priorities. I will also say, I'm so excited that global travel has become more available. I'm incredibly grateful to have a few trips planned abroad for the year. I always grow the most from finding new friends on my travels, hearing their stories and seeing their perspectives.
Where can we find you on the internet?  I'm on Instagram more than anything else. You can find me @libbbygreeen
 Libby, we are so lucky to know you and have you as a part of the C+L story. Thank you for sharing your magic and the reminder to live unapologetically with us!

Stay tuned to meet the rest of the models from our Re-Define shoot. And don't miss the first part of this series with Rachel Dancer.

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